Eulogy of Owain ab Urien
Eneit Owein ap Uryen,
Gobwyllit y Ren oe reit.
Reget ud ae cuđ tromlas
Nyt oeđ vas y gywydeit.
Iscell [pryt], kerd glyt clotvawr
Escyll gawr, gwaywawr llifeit,
Cany cheffir kystedlyd
Y ud llewenyd llatreit
Medel galon, geveilat
Eissylut y tat ae teit.
Pan ladawd Owein Fflamdwyn,
Nyt oed vwy noc et kysceit.
Kyscit Lloegyr llydan nifer,
A leuver yn eu llygeit
A rei ny ffoynt hayach
A oeđynt [hya]ch no reit.
Owein ae cospes yn drut,
Mal cnut yn dylut deveit.
Gwr gwiw uch y amliw seirch,
A rodei veirch y eircheit.
Kyt a cronyei mal calet,
Ny rannet rac y eneit.
Eneit O[wein] ap Uryen,
[Gobwyllit y Ren oe reit.] |
The soul of Owein ap Uryen,
may the Lord have regard to its need.
Rheged’s prince, whom the heavy sward covers,
Not shallow was his judgement.
At supper time [he heard] the acclaiming song of praise,
with the wings of dawn [he hurled] the whetted spears,
For no peer is to be found
To the prince of radiant cheer.
Reaper of enemies, captor ---
Heir of his father and forebears
When Owein killed Fllamddwyn,
It was no greater [feat] than sleeping.
The wide host of Lloegr sleep
With the light in their eyes ;
And those that fled not amain
were bolder than [they had] need [to be]
Owein punish them grievously
Like a pack [of wolves] chasing sheep.
A fine man [was he] above his many coloured trappings,
Who gave horses to [his] suitors.
Before he would lay up a hoard like a miser,
It was distributed for his soul.
The soul of Owein ap Uryen
May the Lord have regard to its need. |
~ John Morris-Jones (1918) Taliesin
© Neil Whalley 2008-2015 |