
Celtic Swadesh List

The Swadesh list, named for its creator Morris Swadesh, is a list of 100 words thought to have basic and universal meanings.  The list is intended to show the relationships between cognate languages by highlighting the differences and similarities between words of the same meaning.  The list below, for example, shows us that the WCB. h often corresponds to IGM. s (compare hir with sìor 'long') and that WCB. p corresponds to IGM. c (e.g. pwy vs ).  We can also see lexical similarities, for example the word for 'big' is from the same etymon in all six languages (PC. *māros), but 'bone' is from different sources in Brythonic (PC. *askornos) and Goidelic (PC. *knāmis). 

English Welsh Cornish Breton Irish Scottish Manx
I mi my me mi mee
thou ti ty te thu oo
we ni ni ni sinn sinn shin
this hwnn hemma hemañ seo seo shoh
that hwnnw henna hennezh sin sin shen
who pwy piw piv quoi
what beth pyth petra cad é ciod quoid
all holl oll holl uile uile ooilley
many llawer lower kalz go leor iomadh ymmodee
one un onan unan aon aon nane
two dau dew daou do daa
big mawr meur meur mór mòr mooar
small bychan byhan bihan beag beag beg
long hir hir hir síor sìor liauyr
short byr berr berr gearr geàrr giare
narrow cul kul enk cúng cumhang coon
thin tenau tanow tanav tanaí tana thanney
human dyn den den duine duine dooinney
wife gwraig gwreg gwreg bean bean ben
husband gŵr gour gour fear fear (pòsda) fer
fish pysgodyn pysk pesk iasc iasg eeast
bird aderyn edhen evn éan eun eean
dog ci ki ki coo
louse lleuen lowen laouenn miol cnis mial meeyl
tree pren gwedhen gwezenn crann crann billey
seed had hasen had síol sìol sheel
leaf deilen delen delienn duille duilleag duillag
root gwreiddyn gwreydhen gwrizienn fréamh freumh fraue
tree bark rhisgl risk rusk rúsc rùsg roost
skin croen krohen kroc'hen craiceann craiceann crackan
meat cig kig kig feoil feòil feill
blood gwaed goos gwad fuil fuil fuill
bone asgwrn askorn askorn cnámh cnàimh craue
fat bloneg blonak druzoni blonag blonag blennick
egg ŵy oy vi ubh ugh ooh
horn corn korn korn corn còrn eairk
tail llost lost lost eireaball earball arbyl
feather pluen pluven pluñvenn cleite cleiteag clooie
hair gwallt gols blev folt falt folt
head pen penn penn ceann ceann kione
ear clust skovarn skouarn cluas cluas cleaysh
eye llygad lagas lagad súil sùil sooill
nose trwyn tron fri srón sròn stroin
tooth dant dans dant déad fiacail feeackle
tongue tafod taves teod teanga teanga çhengey
claw crafanc kraban kraban crúb crubh croob
foot troed troos troad cos cas cass
knee glin glin glin glúin glùn glioon
hand llaw leuv dorn lámh làmh laue
belly bol tor tor bolg balg bolg
neck gwddf konna gouzoug muineál muineal mwannal
breast bron bronn bronn cíoch cìoch heeagh
heart calon kolon kalon croi cridhe cree
liver afu avi avu ae adha aane
drink yfed eva evet ól òl iu
eat bwyta dybri debriñ ith ith ee
bite brathu bratha krogiñ bain greim thoir greim às greim
see gweld gweles gwelet feic faic faik
hear clywed klewes klevet cluin cluinn cluin
know (fact) gwybod godhvos gouzout - tuig -
sleep cysgu koska kousket codail caidil caddil
die marw merwel mervel faigh bás faigh bàs fow baase
kill lladd ladha lazhañ maraigh marbh marroo
swim nofio neuvya neuñviñ snámh snàmh snaue
fly ehedeg neyja nijal eitil itealaich ettyl, etlagh
walk cerdded kerdhes kerzhet siúl siubhail shooill
come dod dos dont tar tar tar
lie down gorwedd gorwedha gourvez luigh laigh lhie
sit eistedh esedha azezañ suigh suidh soie
stand sefyll sevel sevel seas seas shass
give rhoi ri reiñ tabhair tabhair cur
say dweud leverel lavaret abair abair abbyr
sun haul howl heol grian grian grian
moon lloer loor loar gealach gealach eayst
star seren steren sterenn réalta reult rollage
sand tywod tewes traezh gaineamh gaineamh geinnagh
earth (soil) daear dor douar talamh talamh thalloo
cloud cwmwl komolen koumoul néal neul niaul
smoke mwg mog moged deatach deatach jaagh
fire tân tan tan tine teine çhenney
ash(es) lludu lidgow ludu luaith luath leoie
burn llosgi leski leskiñ dóigh loisg loshtey
path llwybr hyns hent cosán casan cassan
mountain mynydd menydh menez sliabh sliabh slieau
red rhudd rudh ruz rua ruadh ruy
yellow melyn melyn melen bui buidhe bwee
white gwyn gwynn gwenn fionn fionn fynn
black du du du dubh dubh doo
night nos nos noz oíche oidhche oie
hot twym tomm tomm te te çheh
cold oer or yeyn fuar fuar feayr
full llawn leun leun lán làn lane
new newydd nowyth nevez nua nuadh noa
good da da da maith math mie
round crwn krenn krenn cruinn cruinn cruinn
dry sych sygh sec'h tirim tioram çhirrym
name enw hanow anv ainm ainm ennym