Canu Taliesin X

Original Text

Marỽnat Owein

Eneit Owein ap Uryen,
Gobwyllit y Ren oe reit.
Reget ud ae cuđ tromlas
Nyt oeđ vas y gywydeit.
Iscell [pryt], kerd glyt clotvawr
Escyll gawr, gwaywawr llifeit,
Cany cheffir kystedlyd
Y ud llewenyd llatreit
Medel galon, geveilat 
Eissylut y tat ae teit.
Pan ladawd Owein Fflamdwyn,
Nyt oed vwy noc et kysceit.
Kyscit Lloegyr llydan nifer,
A leuver yn eu llygeit
A rei ny ffoynt hayach
A oeđynt [hya]ch no reit.
Owein ae cospes yn drut,
Mal cnut yn dylut deveit.
Gwr gwiw uch y amliw seirch,
A rodei veirch y eircheit.
Kyt a cronyei mal calet,
Ny rannet rac y eneit.
Eneit O[wein] ap Uryen,
[Gobwyllit y Ren oe reit.]


The Eulogy of Owein

The soul of Owein ap Uryen,
may the Lord have regard to its need.
Rheged’s prince, whom the heavy sward covers,
Not shallow was his judgement.
At supper time [he heard] the acclaiming song of praise,
with the wings of dawn [he hurled] the whetted spears,
For no peer is to be found
To the prince of radiant cheer.
Reaper of enemies, captor —
Heir of his father and forebears
When Owein killed Fllamddwyn,
It was no greater [feat] than sleeping.
The wide host of Lloegr sleep
With the light in their eyes ;
And those that fled not amain
were bolder than [they had] need [to be]
Owein punish them grievously
Like a pack [of wolves] chasing sheep.
A fine man [was he] above his many coloured trappings,
Who gave horses to [his] suitors.
Before he would lay up a hoard like a miser,
It was distributed for his soul.
The soul of Owein ap Uryen
May the Lord have regard to its need.

~ John Morris-Jones (1918) Taliesin